HS10K Hydraulic Model

HS10K Hydraulic Model

MS10K Manual Model

MS10K Manual Model


Choose Manual or Hydraulic Flange Spreaders

  • Lightweight. Only 7.7 Kg (17 lbs).
  • Jaws open parallel.
  • No drift. It stays where you place it.
  • Easy one person operation.
  • Universal. One-Size-Fits-All.
  • 4535 Kg (10,000 lbs) applied force at tips.
  • Opens to 76.2 mm (3 inches).

HS10K Hydraulic Power-Spreaders

With the Hydraulic Power-Spreader, HS10K, a hydraulic cylinder replaces the ratchet handle. A standard hand pump powers 1 Power-Spreader, or a pair, with ease. Again, you are supplied with 4535 kg (10,000 lbs) of force and 76.2 mm (3”) of gap; ample for gasket replacement or turning of blinds.

MS10K Manual Power-Spreaders

Using the manual Power-Spreader, MS10K, simply place the tips between the flange spreaders faces and turn the ratcheted handle. The ratcheting action is transformed into 4535 Kg (10,000 lbs.) of spreading force and creates up to 76.2 mm (3”) of gap.