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Corporate Social Responsibility ( C.S.R.) Program

Since its inception, POWERMASTER has believed in upholding the livelihoods in its community and continuously contributed to the causes it believes in.

Powermaster’s Social Responsibility started with an effort towards improving the lives of the underprivileged and working constantly to being an economic driver for the communities linked to Powermaster. In an aim to uphold the dignity of all its stakeholders, Powermaster shoulders its social responsibility with the same dedication until today.

Since 2014, POWERMASTER has focused on increasing its Corporate Social Responsibility through various channels.

  1. Diversity, equality and inclusion of the visually impaired:

    Powermaster has historically been sensitive to the cause of the “blind girl” and started by sponsoring visually impaired orphans or girls from poor backgrounds, hence giving them an education and a chance to be included in society. The initial CSR initiatives were channeled through Powermaster’s contributions to the Kamla Mehta School for the Blind which provides boarding facilities and education for visually impaired young girls and women. Powermaster’s focus on giving equal opportunity to the members of its community who have disabilities, particularly the Blind issued from underprivileged backgrounds, has grown stronger over the years. Today, Powermaster’s contribution spreads to various such NGOs.

  2. Education Sector:

    Powermaster’s contributions in the Education Sector has historically been a priority in the hope of helping well deserving students who are not able to afford a higher education. Powermaster initially chose to channel its social responsibility towards education through the Deccan Education Society which is an organization that runs 43 education establishments throughout the state of Maharashtra. From Business, Law and commerce, to Nursing and Engineering, Powermaster now reaches out to all fields of education throughout the country.

  3. Environment Sustainability:

    The practice of planting saplings has existed for over 40 years at Powermaster in line with the Company’s value of improving lives by improving the cleanliness and providing a green and pollution-free environment. The initiative taken of Tree-Plantation and Beautification of local areas extends to creating small gardens and maintaining traffic islands. The Company further conducts awareness programs through meetings in slum areas to educate the communities on the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.

  4. Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition:

    Powermaster contributes extensively towards the day-to-day sustenance of life of the needy in our society by distributing food grain and kirana to its communities.

Powermaster’s CSR committee strives to maintain its values and make a positive contribution to the economic, environmental and social progress of its communities.